Sustainability manager for leading wine importer
For several years, Goodpoint, sustainability experts and part of the Semcon Group, has acted as sustainability manager at Hermansson & Co, one of the Swedish market's leading wine and spirits importers. The role includes overall responsibility for the sustainability work such as mapping, managing, and communicating a wide range of sustainability aspects.

CustomerHermansson & Co
CompetencesSustainable BusinessSustainable Strategy & ChangeBusiness Ethics & Human rightsClimate Change & CalculationChemistry & Lifecycle solutions
Hermansson & Co has more than 20 years of experience in the world of quality wine and spirits. Early on, the company understood the importance of sustainability in their sector. They have a wide range of wines, many of which are certified according to EU criteria for organic products.
Hermansson & Co continuously develop the range to switch from heavy glass bottles to more sustainable packaging solutions and increase the proportion of products that are certified for organic production and social responsibility. Acting sustainably is an important part of Hermansson & Co's operations and in the collaboration with other actors.
To continuously have access to the latest expertise within sustainability and to be flexible in adjusting the extent and type of support, Hermansson & Co have chosen to cooperate with Goodpoint for sustainability services since 2017. During these years several experts from Goodpoint have been involved to build, develop, improve, and communicate the sustainability agenda of Hermansson & Co.
"At Goodpoint, we strive for long-term customer relationships and to follow a customer on their sustainability journey for many years. It is also extra fun to be able to contribute with our broad sustainability expertise in an industry with such a large impact on several important sustainability areas!”
- Melissa More, Sales responsible consultant, Goodpoint

Within the assignment for Hermansson & Co, Goodpoint has:
Performed annual climate reporting of the company's emissions.
Developed a sustainability strategy and goals.
Mapped the supply chain of the most important products to be able to communicate requirements to suppliers, perform risk assessments and follow-ups.
Managed and ensured compliance with requirements for environmental and social labeling of products.
Provided support in converting to more sustainable packaging solutions.
Improved the efficiency of transport and logistics solutions.
Provided operational management in the area of sustainability.
Communicated sustainability initiatives and progress to interested parties.