Why should you do an energy audit?
All companies benefit from mapping and reducing their energy consumption. In October 2023, the EU's revised Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) also came into effect, which means some changes that affect which companies are covered by the directive. Eva Ahlman is a newly certified energy auditor at Semcon.

What does it actually mean to be a certified energy auditor?
It means that you have a solid education in the energy field and great experience of working with energy efficiency. You have the right to carry out an energy audit according to the Law (2014:266) on energy auditing in large companies (EKL). According to the law, large companies are obliged to carry out quality-assured energy audits at least every four years, and then it is the certified auditor who is responsible for the quality assurance.
What kind of energy are you auditing?
All energy used by the company. Everything from space heating, electricity and lighting to processes and fuel for the company's vehicles. All kinds of energy must be included. Electricity, district heating, steam, district cooling, oil, biofuel, diesel and gas.
What kind of companies are we helping with energy audits?
A great variety of large companies of which utilize a lot of energy. Most often it is manufacturing companies, but it can also be transportation companies and real estate companies. On 10 October, the EU's revised Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) came into effect, it also means some changes that affect which companies are covered.

What are the changes?
The previous definition of which companies are covered by the law is revised. Previously, it was the size of the company that determined whether you were covered. Now it has been replaced by energy use limits. Companies using less than 2.8 GWh/year are not covered at all. If the company has an annual energy use of between 2.8 GWh and 23.6 GWh, an energy audit needs to be carried out with certified energy auditors or with energy management systems. If the company has an annual energy use of more than 23.6 GWh, the company needs to introduce an energy management system, alternatively an environmental management system with an addendum for energy auditing. The management system must be introduced by 11 October 2027 at the latest. Learn more about .
What value does an energy audit create for the customer?
In addition to helping them meet the requirements of the law, we help them find ways to save energy. And if you save energy, you save money, especially with today’s high energy prices.
What kind of energy efficiency measures do we usually find?
Regarding buildings, it can involve insulating the roof/attic and/or replacing windows and doors. But the easiest and cheapest thing is to make sure that doors and windows are not left open unnecessarily. Especially if large doors are left open in winter, a lot of heat is lost. Another thing that saves a lot of energy is to change the lighting to LED and to install motion detectors. When it comes to transportation, you can save a lot through eco-driving and route planning. Industrial processes often look very different at each customer, so it is more difficult to give general examples there, but there is often a lot of improvements to be made related to compressed air or hydraulics.