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Production Simulation

Being able to visualise changes and validate solutions early on in a project allows you to save both time and money. Even though it typically only makes up a small portion of the overall investment, production simulation can provide a great deal of value.

Robert Eliasson, Semcon

Robert Eliasson

Area Manager

Production Development

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Semcon helps small and large companies with modelling production layouts and automation concepts, from large green-field projects to smaller production lines. Visualizing and validating potential solutions early in a project’s life cycle reduces risk, eases planning, secures decision making and yields overall savings. We make use of the Visual Components 3D software platform to visualize production simulations in a clear and simple manner.

Simulate scenarios and identify efficiencies

Using Visual Components, Semcon's production and automation experts can visualize and validate ideal conceptual layouts, flows and production cycle time analysis, placement of robots and model PLC programming offline. At the same time, opportunities are created for virtual commissioning and the creation of a digital twin able to simulate various production scenarios, streamline existing production, and even troubleshoot operational issues. The end result is a safer investment due to better decision-making, which ultimately leads to decreased overall manufacturing costs and a better ROI.

Contact us

Emma Jönsson, Semcon

Emma Jönsson

Regional Manager Stockholm

Business Manager Life Science

Robert Eliasson, Semcon

Robert Eliasson

Area Manager

Production Development

Bent-Erik Bjørkli, Semcon

Bent-Erik Bjørkli

Business Development

Digital services