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Biogränd 7
572 30 Oskarshamn

+46 (0)31-721 00 00Find us

Welome to Semcon in Oskarshamn! Get in touch and let’s see how we can create something great together!

Semcon Småland with its offices in Växjö and Oskarshamn has expertise primarily in mechanichal engineering and electricity but also in production, automation, quality and requirement management as well as industrial design. We can deliver assignments both as specialists at our customers’ sites or as projects done in-house at our Semcon office.

Interested in working at Semcon in Oskarshamn?

We value cooperation and the exchange of experiences between colleagues. Thanks to Semcon’s broad area of expertise, our cross-functional teams can take greater responsibility for our customers' product development. Welcome to join our awesome team!

Robert Eriksson, Semcon

Robert Eriksson

Area Manager South

Job openings
